Wireless dental camera systems by RF SYSTEM LAB
 Wireless dental cameras by rfsystemlab Japan
Wireless Intra Oral Camera - satellite scope Einstein Sapana
Wireless Intra Oral Camera & Plaque Detector in one - satellite scope Einstein SPARK
Wireless Intra Oral Camera - satellite scope Einstein Jr
Wireless Intra Oral Camera - satellite scope DP6-Ver.2

 Wireless imaging systems for dental cameras by rf system lab Japan Digital Microscope System by RFSYSTEMlab Japan
Portable Digital Dental X-Ray sensor & imaging system by RFSYSTEMlab Japan

 Wireless monitor systems for dental cameras by rf system lab Japan Wireless monitors for RFSYSTEMlab IntraOral cameras Einstein, SPARK, Jr, DP6-Ver.2 & Copernicus
Wireless receivers for RFSYSTEMlab IntraOral cameras Einstein, SPARK, Jr, DP6-Ver.2 & Copernicus

 Accessories for Wireless dental cameras by rfsystemlab Japan Accessories for RFSYSTEMlab Wireless IntraOral cameras Einstein, SPARK, Jr, DP6-Ver.2, Copernicus & older models

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1323VC Almere
The Netherlands

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Contact person :
Mr. Alon Sabsay
E-Mail : info@rfsystemlab.nl


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